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White Mountain Apache Collection


BIA Report on San Carlos Reservation, 1875
Report (incomplete) on the BIA's efforts to relocate the White Mtn Apache Tribe from Camp Apache to San Carlos.
Letter from Commissioner to Senator
Commissioner writes it is not in the best interest of the Apache to sell their timber, regardless of the railroad proposal.
Arizona's Apacheland
Attention: Mr. Oren Beatty
Letter discussing the alignment of the North boundary of the Fort Apache reservation.
Ecological Changes in a Ponderosa Pine Forest from Controlled Burning and Wildfire
Report regarding the total damages caused by the Carrizo fire (wilderness, wildlife, timber/revenue, etc), and the nature of the fire. The report also outlines a method to determine how effective control burning is at deterring forest fires.
Letter re: investigating pensions for Apache soldiers (USA)
Apache veterans are not getting their pensions because a bill has not been passed
Building Inspection Report 1884
Report outlining the state of repair of military structures.
Resolution No. 59-69
Resolution approving $728,646.98 for expenditure for operation of the enterprise, budget sheet included.
Requests prints of FAIR
Requests prints of FAIR
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
Treaty with the Apache, 1952 along with the seven legislation articles associated with it.
Letter regarding sawmills on the reservation
Letter informing Yard about sawmills operating on the Indian reservation.
FAIR roads
Requests map of FAIR roads and truck trails
Salt River Area
General information about the Salt River area.
Increase trespassing fine
Agent requesting BIA increase the fine issued to trespassers who illegally graze their flock on the reserve.
Forestry and Grazing
Letter stating a truck-trail on the reserve has been surveyed and repairs are required immediately.
Allan B. Jaynes Tells Wonders of White Mountains
Landscape details of Holbrook to the White Mountians
Supt. Letter-Tribal Funds Payment
Letter addressing Supt. role in determining payments; addresses whether cash receipts for transactions using tribal funds ought to be given to Apaches
Memorandum for the Director, Geological Survey
Letters about the printing price and the request of reservation maps.
Fire as a Continuing Ecological Factor in Perpetuation of Ponderosa Pine Forests in Western United States
Chapter discussing the importance of the ponderosa pine as a commercial timbre tree, and how logging and natural hazards will drastically reduce the tree�s population to a point where it can no longer be harvested for commercial use. Tests which show controlled burning can reduce forest fire damages, and thus extend the logging of this tree are also discussed. Photocopy duplicate included.
Letter re: Changes to income estimates
Letter answering several questions about changes in the estimated income of Fort Apache community members in the calendar year of 1939.
San Carlos Division, White Mountain Reservation, Ariz
Letter informing an IA Commissioner that an army unit has relocated an Indigenous community, and there are no schools in the new location and there is no funding to establish a school.
Letter re: to invite Apache to a highway meeting
A highway is being planned, and the committee wants to invite Apache people and have them perform a ritual dance
Letter: discussing report distribution
Letter explaining the distribution of a lumber report.
