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Canadian Farmworkers Union Collection


Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union and Vancouver film premiere of A Time to Rise. CFU organizers relax.
Harinder Mahil (left), Sarwan Boal (2nd left), Judy Cavanagh and Raj Chouhan (right). The t-shirts 'Delhi' are from southern Ontario tobacco capital. Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union and the Vancouver film premiere of A Time to Rise (Uthan Da Vaila), co-directed by Anand Patwardhan and Jim Munro, and attended by 700 people at John Oliver High School, Vancouver.
Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union and Vancouver film premiere of A Time to Rise. Utah Phillips performing.
Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union and the Vancouver film premiere of A Time to Rise (Uthan Da Vaila), co-directed by Anand Patwardhan and Jim Munro, and attended by 700 people at John Oliver High School, Vancouver.
Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union and Vancouver film premiere of A Time to Rise. Utah Phillips performing.
Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union and the Vancouver film premiere of A Time to Rise (Uthan Da Vaila), co-directed by Anand Patwardhan and Jim Munro, and attended by 700 people at John Oliver High School, Vancouver.
Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union
CFU cultural program for the Vancouver film premiere of 'A Time to Rise (Uthan Da Vaila)’ attended by 700 people at John Oliver High School.
Utah Phillips Benefit Concert for the Canadian Farmworkers Union Poster
CFU cultural program for the Vancouver film premiere of 'A Time to Rise (Uthan Da Vaila)’ attended by 700 people at John Oliver High School.
Cabin Access : Memorandum - Farmworkers File
Lawyer Carolyn McCool notes for the provincial BC Labour Relations Board Hearings (Sept 28, 1981) concerning 'Access Application'; the CFU's appeal to have the right to meet with seasonal workers living in growers cabins during the harvest. Includes a detailed description of the number of farmworkers at each of the eight growers farms during harvest; also various detailed narratives of the union's access to farm workers denied by growers.
Raj Chouhan President Canadian Farmworkers Union Business Card
Canadian Farmworkers Union, National Headquarters
Grootendorst Flowerland Nursery - Open Letter to all workers
CFU report to farmworkers on labour contract negotiations since the union certification on June 8, 1981. Highlights difference bewteen grower and union on wage demands and contract.
Grootendorst Flowerland Nursery - Open Letter to All Workers
An update on collective bargaining negotiations for a first contract. Outlines the difference in wages between CFU and employer.
Human Rights Branch denies CFU complaint - For Immediate Release
The CFU filed a complaint that the provincial BC government discriminated against farmworkers by excluding them from the same labour laws enjoyed by all other BC workers.
Farmworkers ESL Crusade 1981 : Plan for April 1982 to April 1983; includes August 18, 1981 CFU letter to Frontier College.
CFUs first proposal for a farmworkers educational program called ESL Crusade to be launched April 1982 and modeled on Cuban and Nicaraguan workers literacy programs; and initial letter from CFU executive asking Frontier College for assistance to establish program.
Unemployment Insurance : The Federal Government is the Best Friend that the Vicious Farm Labour Contractor Ever Had
Concerning Section 16 of the federal UI Act, that requires 25 days with same employer, and results in seasonal farmworkers relying on the labour contractor.
Justice for Farmworkers - Time to End The Bitter Harvest
An indictment of municipal, provincial and federal governments for the lack of agricultural regulations and discriminatory legislation that results in a 'bitter harvest for farmworkers'. Illustrated with examples of discrimination, poverty, sickness and death.
Grootendorst Flowerland Nursery Workers - Come Out and Hear A Report on Negotiations
A bi-lingual leaflet to the workers are asked to discuss a strike action.
Bulletin - Important Notice for all CFU members
Bi-lingual Newsletter to CFU members only. Headlines: Agreements Signed with Reimer's Nursery and Fraser Valley Frosted Foods; Two Seasonal Voluntary Agreements; CFU Memebers Dispatched to Bell Farm; Hartal (Strikes); Abolish the 25 Day Rule, CFU launches UIC Campaign; Why the Union is Fighting For Workers Compensation Coverage; Access to Cabins; Okanagan Activities; Bring Your Income Tax Forms to the Union Office; Legal Services Clinic.
An Appeal to the BC Legislature: Equality Before the Law!
A CFU campaign to have the public send resolutions in support of farm workers to the provincial BC MLA's and the BC Minister of Labour. Resolutions are printed on last page. The campaign mainly focused on the exclusion of farmworkers from health and safety regulations.
Fraser Valley Frosted Foods Limited and Canadian Farmworkers Union Local No. 1 - 1981 Collective Agreement
CFU Local No. 1 and Fraser Valley Frosted Foods Ltd (Fraservale), Chilliwack sign first collective agreement and CFUs third collective agreement.
Justice for Farmworkers: Mandatory Workers' Compensation Coverage
A summary of unjust federal and provincial Health and Safety laws; and a pointed accounting of accidents, deaths and posioning of BC farmworkers.
Unemployment Insurance : Submission to the Employment and Immigration Commission
Describes Section 16 of the federal Unemploment Insurance Act as discriminatory. Farmworkers who work less than 25 days, or earn less than $250, for any one employer, lose credit for insurable employment.
Canadian Farmworkers Union Benefit - Fete au Benefice du Syndicat Canadien des Travailleurs Agricoles
Cultural evening with a speech 'Racism at Work' by CFU executive member Sarwan Boal; and screening of the film A Time to Rise; and Reggae music performances.
Canadian Farmworkers Union Benefit Speech at Montreal Quebec
A public event speech to supporters drawing parallels between racism experienced by Indo-Canadian farmworkers in the Fraser Valley and discrimination of Quebecois farmworkers in the Okanagan. Translated in both English and French.
A Time To Rise - Public Meeting
CFU cultural program for the Abbotsford, Fraser Valley premiere of the film A Time to Rise, attended by 75 people. Includes a one-sheet description of the film directed by Anand Patwardhan and Jim Munro.
