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A True Story... Farmworkers Demand Health and Safety Regulations Now! - Photos by Craig Berggold
Farmworkers demand equal rights
A Time to Change: 30 Photographs of Indo-Canadian Farmworkers in the Fraser Valley
Pesticide Organo-phosphate poisoning of seasonal farm workers
Pesticide Regulations Brief : Submitted to WCB
At The Vancouver Public Library - Canadian Farmworkers Union - Photo Story by Craig Berggold
The First Four Months, April to August 1980: A Summary of the Activities of the Canadian Farmworkers Union
Farmworkers ESL Crusade 1985 : 'A Time to Grow' - A Set of Ten Problem Posing Drawings for the Farmworkers ESL Crusade - Tutor's Guide First Draft
BC Human Rights Council Ruled the Provincial Government Right to Discriminate
Agricultural Health and Safety Regulations: Background information and suggested questions for the Minister of Labour
Health and Safety Regulations : For Immediate Release
Ontario Media Release: CFU-Ontario Public Meeting on 'Tobacco Poisoning' of Farm Workers
The Bitter Harvest: Pesticides and Farmworkers
Supporting BC Farmworkers
Workers' Compensation Board Petition
Regulations Not Deaths: Farmworkers' Health and Safety
Interview with Sarwan Boal
Farmworkers and Pesticides
A Time To Change Exhibition. Photo 27 by Craig Berggold. Raj Chouhan, CFU president, and Cesar Chavez, UFW president, relax after speeches. Vancouver, BC, April 10, 1983.
1982 Leaflet - Canadian Farmworkers Union Victories
