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Interview of Violet Third
Soundscape Greek Restaurant/Hume Park, Greek Islands Restaurant 7'35" (Van63A1)
Soundscape Greek Restaurant/Hume Park, Greek Islands Restaurant 6'40" (Van63A2)
Soundscape Vancouver Harbour, Fisherman's Wharf 7'55" (Van78C3)
Soundscape Chinatown, Delightful Food Restaurant in Chinatown 6'30" (Van33D7)
Soundscape Vancouver Island, Malaspina College, coffee shop 2'50" (Van46D12)
Soundscape Vancouver Island, the Ideal Caf?? 16'00" (Van43D6)
Soundscape Lougheed/Brentwood Malls, Brentwood Mall 15'40" (Van60B2)