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[William W. Cory, Deputy Minister of the Interior, to Lieut.-Col. E. A. Stanton, Military Secretary to the Governor General]. Page 1
[William W. Cory, Deputy Minister of the Interior, to Lieut.-Col. E. A. Stanton, Military Secretary to the Governor General]. Page 2
[William W. Cory, Deputy Minister of the Interior, to Lieut.-Col. E. A. Stanton, Military Secretary to the Governor General]
Copies of the declarations [of Sikhs re tyranny] (see p. 121). Page 6
Copies of the declarations [of Sikhs re tyranny] (see p. 121). Page 1
Copies of the declarations [of Sikhs re tyranny] (see p. 121). Page 2
Copies of the declarations [of Sikhs re tyranny] (see p. 121). Page 3
Copies of the declarations [of Sikhs re tyranny] (see p. 121). Page 5
Statement given to Immigration officers by informers and their friends [re meeting by Husain Rahim and Sohan Lal]
