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Totem Pole, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Cedar tree 60 ft. in Circumference, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Great Cedar, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Qualicum Beach, B.C.
Giant Trees of British Columbia; In Stanley Park
Big Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Cabins, Lang's Auto Camp, Royston, Vancouver Island B.C.
Roadway, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Totem Pole, Stanley Park
The Big Hollow Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada.
Prospect Point Stanley Park Vancouver, B.C.
The Big Cedar Tree (65 feet in circumference), Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Best Wishes From Canada Victoria, B.C.
Large Cedar Stump, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Big Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Famous Big Tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
