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Komagata Maru Passenger List

 Komagata Maru Passenger List

This collection presents an aggregated "master list" of multiple passenger lists associated with the Komagata Maru. Each list had its own unique way of collating passenger information, including inconsistent spelling of passenger's names to places of origin. The process of compiling the various data was met with many hurdles: either each source claimed authenticity or original documentation was missing. Due to the nature and methodology of the research, it is important to be aware of these gaps in representation and selection while accessing the "master list." Each passenger has detailed biographical information from the official SS Komagata Maru Manifest to particulars surrounding passenger's involvement in the Budge Budge Riot. In no way is this a static list, and we encourage alterations if new sources are found.

The data in this collection, along with copies of the original ship's manifest and links to related documents, is also available on the Komagata Maru: Continuing the Jouney website.

Contributed by Simon Fraser University Library.